Hot Library Smut

Well, that certainly got your attention.

Jessamyn pointed me towards this delightful post this morning, filled with the sorts of images that make librarians and bibliophiles swoon.

As blogger Thenonist explains,

What I’m talking about here is the full-frontal objectification of the library itself. Oh yeah. Yesterday I came across a truly gorgeous book of photographs by Candida Höfer titled, Libraries, a title which pretty much says it all, because that is just exactly what it is, one rich, sumptuous, photo of a library interior after another. It’s like porn for book nerds. Seriously. They are gorgeous photos, nearly all without visitors and just begging to be entered.

Wander through them yourself.  Breathe deep.  Enjoy the dense silence, the smell of the books, the echo of your footsteps.

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Filed under Libraries and Librarianship

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